
Fees as described below apply to both online and in-person appointments.

Note that I do not offer direct billing to insurance. If you have private insurance, please confirm your policy details prior to booking.

If the listed fees present a barrier to you accessing these services, please reach out to explore alternate arrangements.


For Ontario residents

Effective August 1st, 2023 – virtual or in-person:
  • New assessment (60 minutes): $130
  • Follow-up treatment (45 minutes): $110
  • Follow-up treatment (60 minutes): $130

Yoga Therapy (Certifying Yoga Therapist)

For anyone!

 Virtual or in-person:
  • Private one-to-one session (60-75 minutes): $50*
* Note that this is an introductory rate which will change once I achieve full Yoga Therapist certification

I offer free 15-min discovery calls to help determine if my services are a good fit for you. You can book a discovery call through the online booking system, or by completing the contact form and I will be in touch!